These FREE Trading Psychology webinars teach you how to effectively apply your knowledge of trading in the pressurized environment of trading.  This is when Trading Psychology really counts.  It is the EDGE.

FREE Trader Psychology webinar opportunities in April 2024

Please join us for our Free LIVE  Webinar in the month of April 2024

TOPIC - Breaking Through the Invisible Barriers that keep your Trading Potential Stuck

​​Date/Time:  Thursday, April 4, 4:30-5:30pm EDT

You know better – you know how to trade.   But there are particular trade management
moments that have your number.  One
moment, you have a perfectly sane mind managing a trade;  the next moment you sabotage your best laid
plans – and take a big loss.  This is not
the first time.  Truth be told, it
happens a lot.  When the smoke clears,
you have lost all your gains for the week or month.  And you have no idea what happened.  Sound familiar?  What would your life be like if you could
solve this problem?

Welcome to the power that your primitive survival instincts
of the emotional brain has over your performances in trading.  You probably don’t even know they are there
because your Thinking Brain (that you identify with) cannot see the emotional
patterns that trigger and sabotage your trading performance.  And that keeps you from the promise of
trading.  Come to this free webinar and
learn how to deal with these invisible barriers that hold you back.  They are there, and you have to learn how to
see them before they do more damage to your trading.  Then, learn how to fix the problem so that
you achieve the potential that is waiting for you when you learn to see with
more equipped eyes.  Register now.

Please click here to register.  

​​IMPORTANT!  Please note that the time shown is U.S. Eastern Daylight Saving Time.

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​​​​Mastering Trading Psychology

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